6 Instances Where A Science Project Would Be A Great Activity

There are many things that you can do that would be a great activity for you and your children to do. For instance you can go swimming, or fishing, or even go for a hike. But another great activity to do is a science project. Here are 6 instances where a science project would be a great activity.
The 1st instance where a science project would be a great activity would be while taking a hike. You could incorporate a science project into your hike. For example, say that you see butterflies along the trail on your hike. You could point out to your kids the different colors on the butterflies. Then you could ask the question of how is a butterfly made or where do they come from. Then you could explain the whole process of how the caterpillar turns into a cocoon and then the butterfly forms and emerges from the cocoon. You can then try to have your kids find a caterpillar on your hike or see if they can find a cocoon. Then when you get home, incorporate what you talked about, and make a hands on project they can do to test their theories and knowledge. Find some information on the internet and show them. This will help put curiosity into your child's mind and make them stop and think about things more.
The 2nd instance where a science project would be a great activity would be when going to the zoo. You could go to the different cages with the different animals and explain what role the animal has in the world. For instance show birds and explain how they keep the populations of bugs down. This will help your child to start thinking out side the box and want to discover more about the animals in the world and what their purpose is. You can plan a science project around something you would see at the zoo and do it before hand.
The 3rd instance where a science project would be a great activity would be when going to a museum. You can show your kids how things that have evolved through science over the past centuries. You can show them how science has helped to make cars. Show your children how science has made medicine where it is today. Help your child to understand that science is a very important part of how we live. Without science we would be stuck in the dark ages. This will help your kids to want to be interested in science and what it has to offer. Then, when you return home, have your children do a science project that helps increase their understanding of a concept they learned about at the museum. So, if they learned about electricity, teach them about closed circuits, and do a project.
The 4th instance where a science project would be a great activity would be when you take a vacation. Make sure to point out how science helps make the technology used today in the rollercoaster rides you will go on, or the airplane that you will ride on to get to your destination. Help point out things like this that your kids might not even take into consideration as being part of science. This would be a great opportunity to incorporate a science project.
The 5th instance where a science project would be a great activity would be when you are discussing something that you child has questions about. For instance if your child has a question on why clouds are the way they are. You could do a science project to help them understand clouds and what makes different clouds, and what the different clouds represent. For example if you have dark grey clouds it usually means it is going to rain. Make sure to explain the science behind it while doing the science project.
These are all instances where a science project would be a great activity. Take the opportunity to incorporate science projects into your activities every chance you get. This will help your child have a love for science and what it has to offer.
Just Science Projects is one of the leading science projects for kids [http://www.justscienceprojects.com/] websites. Visit Just Science Projects for fun ideas for science projects and activities [http://www.justscienceprojects.com/]. Visit Just Science Projects or call 206-498-6502 today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/613664


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